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SUND Student Guidance

HST’s student guides are students from the Faculty of Medicine. We offer academic guidance to students in health science programmes, prospective students, and others interested in health sciences. The student guides are bound by confidentiality. Below is a list of the types of guidance we provide:

SUND Student Guidance

HST’s student guides are students from the Faculty of Medicine. We offer academic guidance to students in health science programmes, prospective students, and others interested in health sciences. The student guides are bound by confidentiality. Below is a list of the types of guidance we provide:

Contact SUND Student Guidance

Who We Are

Emilie Lindgreen Bach - Study Advisor for Biomedical Engineering and Informatics

Sofie Braun Voetmann - Study Advisor for MedIS/Medicine

Christina Østergaard Thorsen - Study Advisor for Sports Science

Helena Birk Wisby - Study Advisor for MedIS

Caroline Pilkjær Houmøller - Study Advisor for Medicine

Søren Villumsen Lundsgaard - Study Advisor for MedIS

Want to be a student for a day? Meet us!

If you're interested in meeting us, you can visit and experience what a day in the programme is like. You will shadow a current student who will give you a tour and discuss life as a student at AAU. Feel free to ask anything—no question is too big or too small. We're happy to answer everything from programme content and student jobs to what our cafeteria looks like and how it operates. It's important to us that you feel well-prepared to make the right study choice for yourself. Just contact the study advisor for the programme you're interested in, and we'll get in touch to arrange the details.