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The Doctoral School in Medicine, Biomedical Science, and Technology

The Doctoral School in Medicine, Biomedical Science, and Technology has a strong focus on developing research and developing research talents. A full "process" of talent development is seen in the elements covered by the Doctoral School. This ranges from the research year available to master students, the 4+4 PhD program, the Industrial PhD program and the ordinary PhD program.

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Digital Health 

"Digital health" is a core competence of the seven PhD programs with focus spanning from biomedicine, biomedical engineering, clinical specialisations, physiotherapy, public health, and sport sciences to mention a few.

Contact The Doctoral School

E-mail: aauphd@adm.aau.dk
Kroghstræde 1, 2nd floor
Room 3021
9220 Aalborg East
Phone: +45 9940 9638

200 + PhD students enrolled

More than 200 PhD students are enrolled at the Doctoral School in Medicine, Biomedical Science, and Technology.

7 programs

Digital health is a core competence of the seven PhD programs with focus spanning from biomedicine, biomedical engineering, clinical specialisations, physiotherapy, public health, and sport sciences to mention a few.