Practical information about campus
On this page you can find various information about campus AAU SUND.

Find your way around campus
AAU SUNDs address is:
Selma Lagerløfs Vej 249, 9260 Gistrup - right next to the new hospital.
Do you need help to find your way around AAU's Campus? With the AAU Map app, you will easily be able to find classrooms, collaborative workplaces, cafeterias, libraries, and other locations at AAU. The app will show you the way around, and it will teach you how to navigate around AAU's many locations. All you need to do is use the search function and let the app guide you to your destination.
Find information about the AAU Map app here.
If you need IT support, ITS can be reached at SUND every Monday from 8.00 - 14.00 in room 12.02.039.
At AAU SUND the room numbers consist of seven digits, divided into three numbers:
eg. 12.03.044.
The first number - 12 - indicates the building.
The second number - 03 - indicates the floor and
the third number - 044 - indicates the specific room.
The room above is therefore located in building 12, at the third floor, in room 044.
The study environment at AAU SUND is an open and inviting, allowing students to meet up and work together while utilizing the whole building. For more focused work, group rooms are avaliable.
It is possible for students to book group rooms, but group rooms are mainly for supervisor meetings.
Students are expected to use the open student workplaces for group work and calculation tasks.
Students can find a guide for booking of group rooms via the link below:
The study administration is located in building 12, 3rd floor
Room numbers 12.03.040 - 12.03.048.
If you arrive at the main entrance, take the stairs to your right. Walk to the 3rd floor and turn left.
Overview of parking, bus and bike
Cars can be parked at AAU SUNDs two car parking zones, A and D.
- Parking A has 56 spaces and is accessed from the roundabout.
- Parking D are accessible from Postgårdsvej.
Please notice that you are not allowed to park in Novi's parking lots (marked on map).
Bicycle Parking
- Zone A is designated for bicycle parking near the main entrance.
- Additional bicycle parking in zone B (south of building 11), please do not park against building walls and otherwise outside the designated zones.

Please note that parking outside of designated spaces is not permitted, and parking on the fire lane is strictly prohibited as it can block emergency services in the event of a fire. A parking attendant has been assigned to the area to ensure that these rules are followed.
If no parking spaces are available, we encourage you to use the parking garage at the new University Hospital. The garage can be accessed via Hadsund Landevej. Parking is free, except on Level 2, which is reserved for patients of the STENO Diabetes Center. Additionally, the charging station on Level 1 is exclusively for Region Nord's electric vehicles.

Starting 20 January 2025, parking control will be introduced at AAU SUND, Selma Lagerløfs Vej 249. This includes both the parking lot facing Selma Lagerløfs Vej and the temporary parking lot behind the building.
Registering your car
Use the QR codes located at the entrance doors to obtain a temporary parking permit valid for 10 hours. Permits can be extended if needed.
The introduction of parking control ensures that a sufficient number of parking spaces remain available for the Faculty of Medicine as Hospitalsbyen becomes operational.
Please note: The rules for using STENO’s parking garage remain unchanged.
For any questions, contact facilitysupport@adm.aau.dk.
Near the main entrance, two disabled parking spaces have been established.
Please note that parking on the grass in front of the parking lot (see image) is prohibited. Please use designated parking spaces to avoid fines.

Practical information
The cafeteria at AAU SUND is run by Jespers Torvekøkken.
You find the cafeteria at the 1st floor.
07:30 - 10:30
11:00 - 13:30
Packed lunches can be stored in the fridges in the kitchenettes around campus.
In the canteen you will also find microwaves that can be used by anyone on campus.
Your AAU CARD gives you access to enter buildings and rooms at AAU SUND. If you are experiencing problems, please contact Facility Support Team East.
During the summer period, access to buildings will require AAU CARD. Additionally, your PIN code is required to gain access outside normal opening hours.
You can buy coffee in the cafeteria at campus or from the coffee machines (you can pay with MobilePay) at the ground floor near room 11.00.028 and at level 1 near room 11.01.032.
You can print and copy in room 11.01.025 og 12.01.005.
Use your AAU CARD to do so.
Here you can find instructions on how to print at AAU SUND.
Forgotten items can be handed in and picked up at SUND-drift Team, room 12.02.037.
You will automatically be connected to the WIFI at AAU SUND if you previously have been connected to AAUs WIFI at other AAU adresses.
In case of problems you can find a guide here.
Alternatively you can contact IT support. Find information about IT support here.
ATTENTION! Teaching at other addresses
Please notice that your teaching might take place at addresses elsewhere than at Selma Lagerløfs Vej.
Therefore, keep an eye on your schedule in moodle regularly.