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About the Department of Health Science and Technology

ContactEducationResearchCollaboration and Innovation

1,593 students

Number of students: 1,593 at Department of Health Science and Technology programs and a total of 2,023 at The Faculty of Medicine

100 + PhD students

More than 70 PhD students are enrolled at the Doctoral School in Medicine, Biomedical Science, and Technology.

250 staff members

The department has approx. 250 staff members: - 50 technical/administrative staff - 200 scientific staff

External turnover

The department's external turnover: DKK 59m

Internal turnover

The department's internal turnover: DKK 134m

Physical locations and laboratories

HST's founding mother Annelise Rosenfalck

In 1978, Annelise Rosenfalck received the first professorship of biomedical engineering at Aalborg University and was later in 1986 the founding mother for Department of Medical Informatics and Image Analysis (MIBA) – now developed into our Department of Health Science and Technology (HST) as we know it today.

See HST history timeline