Working environment and safety
HST' Working Environment Organization takes action on issues relating to our common working environment. Working environment representatives and management ensure that the working conditions are safe and sound – in collaboration with staff members.

List of laboratories
You can see the list of laboratories at Department of Health Science (HST) and Technology here. All HST's laboratories are listed under "facilities" at VBN.
You can also type the name of the laboratory in the search field below and find the laboratory you are looking for.
Search for an HST laboratory here
Working Environment Groups at HST
Elected staff representative:
Brita Holst Serup
Appointed management representative:
Jacek Lichota
Representing members of the following staff groups:
- Medical Microbiology and Immunology (MMI)
- Molecular Pharmacology (MP)
- Neurobiological Research and Drug Delivery (NRD)
- Regenerative Medicine (RM)
- Laboratory Technician Team
- Genomic-Medicine (GM)
Elected staff representative:
Pernille Heyckendorff Secher
Appointed management representative:
Dan Stieper Karbing
Representing members of the following staff groups:
- CardioTech (CT)
- Medical Informatics and Image Analysis (MI)
- Respiratory and Critical Care (R-CARE)
Elected staff representative:
Ásgerdur Arna Pálsdóttir
Appointed management representative:
Erika Spaich
Representing members of the following staff groups:
- Neural Engineering and Neurophysiology (NEN)
- Neurorehabilitation Robotics and Engineering (NRE)
- Neurorehabilitation Systems (NS)
Elected staff representative:
Steffen Frahm
Appointed management representative:
Carsten Dahl Mørch
Representing members of the following staff groups:
- Musculoskeletal Health (MH)
- Pain and Motor System Plasticity (PMSP)
- Translational Pain Neuroscience and Precision Health (TPNPH)
Elected staff representative:
Henrik Vardinghus-Nielsen
Appointed management representative:
Mark de Zee
Representing members of the following staff groups:
- Public Health and Epidemiology (PHE)
- Sport & Social Issues (SSI)
- ExerciseTech
Elected staff representative:
Knud Larsen
Appointed management representative:
Merete Fredsgaard
Representing members of the following staff group:
- Technical and Administrative Personnel
If you have a work-related accident to report, please contact your local working environment representative and your manager immediately after the accident. Your working environment representative will help you send a report form. Please note that the form must be filled in and sent to "Arbejdsmiljøsektionen" at AAU no later than 5 days after the accident has happened.
You can find more information about work-related accidents or near miss incidents here.
Emergency and first aid
Dial 112
Dial 112
In case of minor issues with upright transport to hospital emergency room:
Dial: 7011 3113
4 "safety points" are available in SUND's building at Selma Lagerløfs Vej 249. The safety points are built-in cabinets containing the following emergency equipment:
Automated External Defibrillator (AED)
Anyone can use an Automated External Defibrillator (AED), "Hjertestarter": It is automated and it will instruct you what to do.
Fire extinguishers
Fire extinguishers (mainly for fire in electrical equipment).
First aid kits
Band aids, etc.
Fire blankets
Eye wash
0.9 % sodium chloride eye wash
You can find the safety points at Selma Lagerløfs Vej 249 here:
- Building 12: Safety point, 1st floor (close to room 12.01.29)
- Building 12: Safety point, 3rd floor (close to 12.03.031)
- Building 11: Safety point, 2nd floor (close to 11.02.007)
- Building 11: Safety point, basement (close to 11.00.005)
Furthermore, fire hoses are located on each floor in building 11 and 12.
The appropriate action will depend on the type of emergency. Information about evacuation and fire protection can be found here.
Information on how to act in the case of evacuation can be found in AAU's Evacuation Information folder (in both Danish and English).
In case of emergency Aalborg University has evacuation plans for each building. You are strongly encouraged to acquaint yourself with the plans for the building(s) you work in.
Evacuation kits including instructions, maps, etc. are found in the corridors as listed below:
- Selma Lagerløfsvej 249 - information will be provided
If you have a work-related accident to report, please contact your local working environment representative and your manager immediately after the accident. Your working environment representative will help you send a report form. Please note that the form must be filled in and sent to "Arbejdsmiljøsektionen" at AAU no later than 5 days after the accident has happened.
You can find more information about work-related accidents or near miss incidents here.
Aalborg University regularly offers first aid courses to all employees. It is strongly recommended to attend a first aid course.
Read more about the first aid courses (in Danish). Courses in English can be arranged.
Working in the laboratories
If you host a guest researcher, you are considered to be a supervisor of that person.
Teachers and supervisors must evaluate which safety precautions are necessary (e.g. fume cupboards, personal protective measures, aids for heavy lifting).
It is the responsibility of teachers and supervisors that students and guests receive training and instruction so they can perform the activities properly with respect to safety. This includes instruction in the use of all technical aids and materials (eg. stimulators, data acquisition equipment, syringes, chemicals). Teachers and supervisors must make sure that the necessary safety measures are taken. If conditions which are outside the responsibilities of the teacher/supervisor occur, the head of the department must be informed, and the activity cannot be continued before the conditions are justifiable with respect to safety and personal health.
Students and guests are obliged to follow the safety procedures and instructions. This concerns both written instructions and oral instructions from the teacher/supervisor.
Any equipment is potentially dangerous if not used correctly. Equipment should only be used as intended and in accordance with the users manual. If you feel uncertain about how to use some equipment, do not hesitate to contact 1, your supervisor, 2, laboratory responsible or 3, any technician.
For certain equipment, a specific person has been appointed to conduct safety instructions. The laboratory responsible will direct you on this.
To borrow laboratory equipment you must contact your supervisor and the laboratory responsible.
Any equipment is potentially dangerous if not used correctly. Be sure you are well educated and observe your responsibilities as supervisor / students / guests.
Equipment should only be used as intended and in accordance with the users manual. If you feel uncertain on how to use some equipment, don't hesitate to ask your supervisor, the laboratory responsible or any technician.
For certain equipment, a specific person has been appointed to conduct safety instructions before you are allowed to use it (the lab. responsible will direct you).
Each laboratory and many experimental setups are equipped with an emergency stop. Every lab. user must know where it is situated, and how to operate it.
It is only allowed to use equipment belonging to the lab or which has been approved by the lab. responsible.
Defect equipment or parts (eg. cables) must be handed in for repair or replacement. You are not allowed to use it before repair / replacement.
As an employee, you are obliged to report any working environment related issues that comes to your attention to the representative of your Working Environment Group.
The representative will then report to AAU's Head of Safety and the Danish Working Environment Authority (WEA, "ArbejdsTilsynet") if needed.
Selma Lagerløfsvej 249
All setups used for experiments on humans must be powered through the red power outlet. No direct connections to wall outlets are allowed.
If a person is subject to an electric shock (s)he must be checked by a medical doctor and both the working environment organisation and the lab. responsible must be informed, even if there is no visible injury.
Students are not allowed to work alone in the labs - at least two students must be present in the lab at any time.
None is allowed to perform experiments on themselves alone.
Any incident related to safety as well as (near-by) accidents must be reported to the working environment organisation.
The laboratory and each experimental setup must be kept clean and tidy.
Some examples:
- No cables are allowed to cross the floor (walking areas). Setups should only contain cables in use. Any other cables must be stored elsewhere.
- All equipment must be placed in a safe and stable position.
- Food and beverages may not be consumed in the lab. During long experiments a snack for the subject is accepted.
- Outdoor clothing and unnecessary bags must not be placed in the laboratories.
Employees are covered while at work according to Danish law ("Arbejdsskadeloven").
AAU has taken out a collective accident insurance for students.
The insurance covers all students at AAU who carry out laboratory activities and laboratory experiments in connection with their studies. Only activities performed in AAU laboratories are covered. Please note that sports facilities are not considered laboratories and students performing activities there are not covered by the AAU accident insurance.
Students who perform activities outside AAU laboratories are advised to take out their own accident insurance.
It is recommended that students take out their own liability insurance since the accident insurance does not in all instances exempt students causing injury from liability for damages.
Physical working environment & Ergonomics
If you need special glasses (computer glasses) when you perform computer work, please download and fill in the form "Bestillingsseddel Skærmbriller". It is your responsibility to take the measurements and fill in the form. However, if you have any questions, please contact your Working Environment Group or representative.
After you have filled in the form, please contact HST's Economy Team to get an internal requisition.
The requisition number must be stated in the field “bemærk” on the form in order to process your final order.